ATAN Technical Services co. is conscious of the importance to protect the Health, Safety and Environment of its all employees and as such it is our policy to execute work in the best Health and Safety Environment favoring all who work within the confines of the company.

In order to attain this objective, we implement an elaborated Health, Safety and Environmental plan for the execution of work within an operating plant. Our commitment is therefore of paramount importance.

The responsibility in administering this plan encompasses all from top management to project management to the employees working at sites, plants. The Health, Safety and Environmental coordinator will be present to lend his expertise and support to the task at hand; however, it lies with each one of us to work safely.

Each worker on the site has the obligation to execute his assigned task in a manner which will neither endanger him nor any of the other people in his immediate working environment.

All activities are to be performed in complete compliance with the rules and regulations established by the project management and in overall compliance with the standard Health, Safety and Environmental rules and regulations in the work premises.

Management is committed to ensure that the Health, Safety and Environmental policy shall be implemented throughout the organization. Without the personal commitment and active participation by all in this plan our objective of “ZERO ACCIDENTS” will be unattainable.

Our Health, Safety and Environmental policy will also be applicable to our subcontractors and suppliers and our project management is committed to abide with all rules and regulations while at work on site.